
Create or take-over a business

Our commitment is to help clients of all sizes Start-up, TPE, SME and Large accounts and to be closer to their activities by focusing the business relationship on proximity, knowledge of the local economic environment and added value..

Do you want to take reach the next level up and realize your business creation project? In order to put all chances by your side, EXPERT-ADVISOR advises you throughout your project to ensure that you plan ahead and anticipate possible difficulties:

  • Strengths and weaknesses analysis of your project
  • Development of the business planation d'entreprise
  • Acquisition audit and business valuation
  • Search for funding
  • Advice on the choice of legal, social and fiscal status
  • Help in gathering of administrative and legal documents
  • Help with the choice of computer management and office automation tools
  • Implementation of an approach to monitor the activity of the company
Conseils sur le choix du statut juridique