
Local staff training

Staff Training;
Engineering of training processes and organization of seminars: we have developed through our experience and expertise several specific and dedicated seminars to the needs of companies. These training courses are provided in inter-company or intra-company and cover several fields including technical, accounting, fiscal, financial and organizational.

Our approach includes the following steps
  • Exchange with our client to understand and formalize their needs:
  • It’s about understanding the context and the issues of the training session. What is the starting point for future participants and where do they have to be after the training?
  • Design the engineering and training support material;
  • Include in the programs tools and situations from the client environment to optimize the credibility and effectiveness of actions;
  • Facilitate training actions by strongly involving participants;
  • Apply an interactive pedagogy which favors the involvement of each one, the sharing of experience and the crossing of our mutual expertise.
  • Constantly measure the adequacy between the expectations of our clients and our services;
  • Constantly assess any progress, achievement of objectives, satisfaction of participants, and impact on the field.
  • Monitor and help in the achievement of our clients' future projects;
  • Stay tuned, even after the mission, keep making a relationship of mutual trust with our clients and be ready to work again with them.
Animer les formations en intra entreprise

Depending on the topics chosen by our clients, we can:
  • Facilitate intra-company training on their premises;
  • Design a seminar that is perfectly adapted to their needs (duration, objectives, program, pedagogy);
  • To articulate, according to the needs, the contents of several inter-company workshops;
  • Create a totally new seminar meeting precise and specific needs.