
Securing your business

At each stage of your projects, your development, we offer you adapted missions to the size of organization to meet your legal obligations and to diagnose the main risks that weigh on your business.

La sécurité d'une entreprise

In the context of the official mission of the Statutory Auditor, we are giving our services to:

1. We certify the company’s accounts: :
  • Review internal control procedures
  • Conduct a risk analysis: tax, social, legal, organizational
  • Audit the annual accounts including the balance sheet, the income statement, and the accounting annex document
  • Validate the legal obligations, in particular those concerning the information in the management report of the general management, and the approval of the annual accounts.

2. We certify that:
  • Funded projects are well monitored
  • The financial information provided by the company complies with regulations and accountancy
3. We write any report required by the Commercial Code relating to operations, in particular to:
  • Capital increase;
  • Capital reduction;
  • Concluded under specific conditions (agreements between the structure and its directors);
  • Transformation into a legally different society
4. We make an oral (and / or) written report that describes the work defined in the mission letter
5. We bring to the attention of the managers and shareholders any material fact likely to have an impact on the company

As part of the contractual audit defined with you:

  • Give an opinion on a "target" company you wish to acquire;
  • Conduct a thorough review of a function of your business:
    • Purchases / sales / stock / production / personnel;
    • Accounting and financial information system;
    • Computer system;

    These missions always give rise to the issuance of a specific report, specified in the mission statement defined with you.